Welcome Message from Chairperson

My sincere welcome goes to you for visiting our science museum, a flagship science museum nationwide.

Warm greetings from the National Science
Museum of Korea!
I am the chairperson Sukmin Kwon.

The world is changing at a rapid pace, centered around cutting-edge science and technology, and the public are having high expectations and curiosity about how technologies such as AI and automatic driving will affect their lives.

Principles behind science and technology and related knowledge are complex and rather difficult to understand, so the main task of popularizing science and technology is having the public understand and learn about them in a more interesting and easier way. I believe the National Science Museum of Korea is a very important place playing this role.

NSM Korea is providing various opportunities for scientific, technological and cultural experiences through a wide range of exhibitions, education programs and science events, and also it is interacting and cooperating with many other science museums nationwide.

On top of this, it is carrying out diverse national projects to pass down our precious legacies of science, technology and culture to the next generation by discovering such legacies as well as conducting activities related to exhibition, science education and research.

I hope that our museums can become a go-to place for visitors to develop scientific curiosity and creativity by experiencing diverse activities, find life-related wisdoms and form dreams about future. To this end, I will do my best so that they can enjoy our museum in a cleaner and safer environment.

Thank you very much.

ChairpersonSukmin Kwonof NSM Korea
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